A history lesson and bible lesson all mixed into one, Revelation: Fall of Judea, Rise of the Church


By Maurice A. Williams
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (April 22, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0595484298
ISBN-13: 978-0595484294

Revelation, everyone talks about it, everyone speculates, but what is the history? What do we know for sure? Author Maurice Williams has performed countless months, years of research and has compiled his research and his thoughts in this new book, Revelation: Fall of Judea, Rise of the Church.

No matter what religion you believe, this book will open your mind and your heart. Maybe it will challenge your beliefs or prove them more concrete, but you will gain insight and knowledge of history and faith. The author dissects the book of Revelation and shows the importance of each verse. Written in easy to understand language, and several illustrations, the book is simple to follow and interesting to read. Chapters include: The Baptist’s Vision of God and Christ, The Word Unleashes the Four Horsemen, The Sea Beasts: The Roman Empire, The Vials: Judea’s Great Tribulation, The Church up to Satan’s Release, The Church After Satan’s Release, and many, many more. A history lesson and bible lesson all mixed into one, Revelation: Fall of Judea, Rise of the Church is a great read for believers and non-believers alike.

About the Author:
Maurice A. Williams is director of Research and Development for a company that does business all over the world. He has traveled to many countries. He is a technical writer experienced in researching literature. Williams has authored many technical articles in scientific journals around the world and has contributed chapters to six international textbooks. He also writes inspirational articles, poems, and book reviews. Coming from a different field with no preconceived bias, he thinks he sees a more logical interpretation of Revelation than others have seen. "Revelation: Fall of Judea, Rise of The Church" is his latest and most comprehensive commentary on Revelation. Williams has four children and six grandchildren who bring him great pride and joy. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife. His hobbies are history, Scripture, reading, and writing.

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