A review by Catherine Johnson

While reading through Revelation: Mature Look one cannot help but be struck by the sincerity and devotion of the author to the cause of Christ. He has obviously spent his life focusing on the mysteries of Christianity and offers some solid interpretations for the reader’s consideration.

The book is a balanced narrative addressing the events described in the Book of Revelation. The author begins with a preterist view as a possible explanation for the events. He then segues through pivotal supernatural appearances of the Virgin Mary to possible futuristic explanations.

What I most appreciated about this book was its very neutral and kind voice on what is, for many, a touchy subject. The author stays very factual, humble, and often shares his own convictions with self-effacing certainty.

I certainly appreciated the scholarly research and deep thought that went into the compilation of the various points of references found in Revelation. Not being Catholic, it was also enlightening to learn more about some of the more supernatural events that have influenced the Church and its actions.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is willing to explore a spiritual understanding of both past and present events that they may not have yet encountered. It is an engrossing read, and certainly gives one pause for thought on more than one occasion!!

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