5.0 out of 5 stars - Nice Read!
December 8, 2019
Questioning Evolution by Maurice Williams is a compilation of essays by one man as he debates the theories of Evolution vs Creation. He writes about the pros and cons of each based on his Christian upbringing and then in his world of science. He begins with his impressions of Evolution based on scientific findings and believes that the natural selection and survival of the fittest is how everything evolved into what we are today.
As he gets older, he starts to have doubts about this theory and questions the basic premise of the natural selection. He comes to realize that humans don’t fit into that category. If Evolution is the way that we have come to be, then how can we have the morals that we humans have? No other species has morals – they just exist to survive.
It’s a nice telling backed up by facts on both sides of the argument. As you read through his essays, you come to realize that the biggest difference between any species and humans is the gift of faith. Faith is what draws us to the Supreme Being, God. Faith is what allows us to believe that our souls move on after we no longer exist physically.
I found this to be an enjoyable and easy read that I recommend to anyone.
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