5.0 out of 5 stars - Revelations in Context
November 9, 2019
84 years young Maurice A. Williams presents us with a rewrite of a book, “Revelations: Mature Look” previously published in 1988. A study of the Old Testament, specifically Revelations, Williams presents his hypothesis of history and the end times that are, in his opinion, most certainly near.
A biblical reference, a treatise no less of many years of study and reflection on the part of Mr. Williams. He maintains he is a preterist, meaning he believes that the prophecies in the Bible about the End Times have already been fulfilled. As well, he believes that the Book of Revelations was actually a warning to the Judean people that God would reject them all if they did not embrace the Messiah (Jesus) when he presented himself as the true Son of God. He believes that the Catholic Church is the one true religion as the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church, especially as exercised by bishops or the Pope-have kept the word consistent over centuries. He discussed the end of the world as we know it and how Lucifer, and his wickedness, has embedded his personal rejection of God into the rejection of the Messiah in popular culture and that as humans, we are currently conducting ourselves outside of God’s Grace.
An amazing study of history and the bible, sprinkled with the author’s opinions and insights which are just enough to keep you interested. No stranger to conflict, Mr. Williams presents his version of the previous end of the world and how he envisions the world of today will end as we, while not falling from grace, chose to not accept God’s grace in our lives.
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