A review by Stacey Joseph

5.0 out of 5 stars. Informatuive and well-organized
November 25, 2019.

My Career as a Book Reviewer Defending the Faith is a unique book written by Maurice A. Williams that addresses the book reviews he wrote on some of the religious volumes that he has reviewed in his career. The volume is comprised of his actual reviews that he wrote when doing work for online sites for free book copies. All of them have a religious theme whether the author agreed with the premise of the book or not. Seventy of his original written reviews are included in this 260-page book that is offered in Kindle or paperback editions. In his selections, he seems to be searching for a positive take on the topic of Christianity from the writers. Many topics are addressed in the volume choices such as evolution, souls, Earth, eclipses, and the universe.

You may have read these titles yourself and would enjoy another writer’s opinion of what they contain. It is always enlightening to have another person’s viewpoint on a subject or written volume to further your own understanding of it. Williams provides that for anyone who has read or intends to read any of these included books. Other religions, such as Judaism, are included in the mix of titles probably to even out his thoughts on the main points.

I find that this book is very well-organized and informative for the book reviewer or avid reader of religious content. Each chapter is one of the writer’s book reviews for the reader to explore and ponder. Just reading the review of a volume can make you interested in it for enjoying it in its entirety for yourself. Each of the reviews is professionally composed and chockfull of data for the person interested in the title. I recommend it highly to those wanting to read the same books mentioned inside.

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